Ways To Support Me
If you like the various projects I do (or have done in the past), a donation would be appreciated!
No money? No problem!
Do you want to help me but have nothing yourself? Fear not, you still can! One of the easiest ways is to signup for the "beermoney" services using the referral links on my Money Making Routine page and I'll make a bit of money while you make money. A Win-Win for both of us!
Otherwise you can:
- Share my content!
- More people who see it, the more likely somebody who can donate will see it or more ad revenue from more people.
- Critiques/Constructive Criticism
- Tell me honestly what you think of my work (without being hateful) and I can take that advice to improve my content (leading to more viewers)
You can pay me with good old fashioned cash at my PayPal.me page or with Dwolla by sending it to me@brandongiesing.com.
If you use Bitcoin or other crypto-currencies, click the "Pay with ShapeShift" button below to send your coin to me.

Other Ways
- Tipping or Subscribing to my Vid.me
- Click "Tip CosiCast" underneath one of my videos.
- Click "Subscribe" on the main channel page.
Buying Stuff
You can also buy stuff from or for me!
Go to the Cosi's Commerce Store where you can buy products I like or use securely from Amazon and I'll receive a small commission back.
You can also buy stuff for me as a gift from my Amazon Wishlist.
Wallpaper Collection
- You can buy my Wallpaper Collection to get some cool wallpapers I designed and support both me and charity in the process! 50% of all proceeds go to either the EFF or Wikimedia Foundation.
Art Commissions
I can also do some Graphic Design work (mostly Wallpapers but Logos also)!
Just contact me at me@brandongiesing.com or on my Twitter for more details.